and i would sing you a loud lullaby. when you hover aside and fall asleep. and when you drift in dreams... my loud lullaby will keep you awake.

I was....

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There could be some time, when you stood in front of the mirror, after shower; bare naked, your eyes were gazing and outlining every single line in your body. You’d notice that there is nothing special, merely flesh, vessels, blood and bones… There was nothing more. Just you; yourself and a simple silence…

Then you'd probably move your hand slowly up to your chest and tried to feel your heart beat...

And then, maybe then… synchronized with your heart beat; your mind caught some glimpse of numerous images, a chain of faces in their very own expressions… Some of them were familiar while the other was nothing more than some stranger, people that passed you by, slightly; almost anonymous…

Within the split second, your imaginary vision stumbled on this image… a face… To you, that face is somehow familiar; the curves on that face, the smiles it draws… You’ve seen it somewhere… Or maybe, you’ve touched it… or even in a further infinitive maybe, a kiss was landed…

Yet, you cannot decide… who owns that face… You can’t even define what that person means to you…

Suddenly… you hear a knock on the door, the sounds of flushing water from the toilet, the buzzing sounds from the TV… The silence breaks; reality crashing down… You sighed over contemplation overdue…

Only a distant imaginary thought… You shook your head. It’s just a reminiscence of a dream… That face remains unknown, familiar but still… unknown. Only few trace… traces that begin vaporizing…

No… Neither the years would never rest nor would love withstand…

And you’d pray a whisper… This day is going to be perfect… And your whisper echoed… within the perfection in your soul… within the emptiness it contains…


That familiar face... it could be mine...


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and days go by

box of past tense

my comforting space

familiar faces

your echoes


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