and i would sing you a loud lullaby. when you hover aside and fall asleep. and when you drift in dreams... my loud lullaby will keep you awake.

ghostly visage...

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As I much as I want to forget it... a promise is a promise....

Well....I owe a story to

You must be noticing that there are so many supranatural show on TV... >sigh<. It's not that I don't believe in such thing, I do...
About 4 year ago, when I had this "Community Service" ( Well I don't have the proper word for "KKN"... LOL ), I found out that one of my friends in my team has this extended ability when it comes to "the sixth sense". And on one night, I watched a football match between Tottenham Hotspur vs Liverpool ( and darn... Liverpool lost 2-0 )... anyway, that night I heard a prayer for the ladies room... it turns out that my friend is praying rather loudly...

And when she realize that I was watching TV ( I yell loudly in vain when Liverpool are down two goals...) , she came out from the room.... pale and trembling.... So asked her if anything was wrong... At first she was hesitating... and later she told me that she had a stalker from.... well.... you can call it "another dimension". I thought that she was joking... But she wasn't.... believe it or not... the air is suddenly freezing... She told me that a huge green creature with red flaming eyes is peeking her from the ceiling... And just after she finished her story... a shadow is moving from the front door...

I cannot do anything but comforting her, telling that it was only her imagination.... After the match ended, I told her to went back to bed, and no matter what... "just close your eyes". I had to get back at the house where the other boys are staying ( boys and girls are stayed at different house, and only the girl's house that has a tv... )

So I walked out the house, the place I'm staying in is only a few houses away....But as I got nearer to the house, I saw this strange behavior on the dogs ( most people there has a dog in each house )... they were crawling outside... walking towards me and started to bark... the freaking part is... when I realized that those dogs weren't barking at me... They were barking to someone or something behind me.... And the house that lies just a few feet suddenly pulling the distance....

At that moment.... I'd glady face ten men in a fight, rather than turn my back to see who's behind me.... because somehow... I knew that whoever is standing behind was not human... I was cursing my luck like hell... I cannot move a single muscle....
I just closed my eyes... stop cursing.... and started to pray.... and suddenly everything was so quiet... the dogs were gone... and my blood system is running again.... But the nighmare wasn't over yet... when I tried to get some sleep... one of my friend is snoring toooo damn loud....

Guess what.... on the next morning, I woke up late and found out that my friend was collapsed... she was shocked, and the other guys had to take her to the hospital... Later I found out that few months earlier she had an accident, and she went coma for five days... and when she gain her consciousness, she start to see "other thing"... After a few days, she was fine and everythng just went normal...

The last time I saw a ghost, is in the house I rented..... 2 months ago....before it got expired...
I felt like I was dreaming, I was lying in this pine forest... and suddenly I realize that a girl with a white long dress is sitting next to me... Her long dark hair is covering up her face... she said nothing and just sit there...

Okay... This forest is beatiful....but this is a nightmare... I got to wake up.... So, I open up my eyes... and got myself petrified... I found out that the girl was sitting next to my bed... I bite my tongue to make sure that I wasn't dreaming... and it hurts... so this is real.... She just sit there and said nothing... It last about five minutes or so... and in blink... she was gone...
It happen in three day in a row... just a couple day before I'm going to defend my thesis in order to get my bachelor degree.

Maybe she was trying to tell me to get some night prayer or something... or merely just wanted to say goodbye because I'm leaving the house... I have no idea.... That house is somehow has this strange atmoshpere... it's gloomy yet comforting.... I don't know....

Line of the day : " scoob...."
( mathew lillard : scooby-doo)


1 Responses to “ghostly visage...”

  1. Blogger Nita Sellya 


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